Thursday 13 March 2008

bad cenima

after watching the film kids i was quite discusted how peole think that going around just having sex is cool. i found that watching something like that was unresalistic but then again you do get a lot of teenage pregnancies.

there was no romance in the movie it was just about shaging, shaging and shanging and more shaging. they were at it like rabbits without thinking of the concesquences or the effcets that it might have on other people. in the movie telly left with a message saying "sex is what i am about and if i dont get sex i will do something" i cant really remember the rest of it but basically i remember thinking that what an idiot, how can he be so selfish and unconsiderate of otherpeoples feelings.

Thursday 6 March 2008


many people out there completely loose themselves in the world of gambling and why is the govornment wont put a ban on places like this, not only does it ruin people indavidually put it also ruins families and many people have to suffer because of this. i personally dont mind a flutter on the machines my self so part of me also gambles however i've only ever gambled a small amount and i know when to stop. its a shame many other people do know when enough is enough. if they gamble with companies such as national lotto its still faur because they are privided by the state however these privately owned companies are only there to drain people of thier last pennies