Thursday 1 May 2008

lying with intergrity

personnaly i feel that the odd lie here and there is not as bad as peopel make out. on the other hand lying about something very serioyse that i feel is unacceptable. i feel that if you ;lie you have to tell a thousand lies (ok i know over exageratioin) to cover that one lie up.

people may lie for many reasons one reason that i can think of is to get attention ie i goe this phat car when the person really has a banger. i thnk lying to an extreme which it will hurt peopel is very seriouse as it may have very seriouse concequeses.

lying is a way to cover up the truth which i thnk people like to do in porder to make themselves look good. i admit i do lie but i would not like to lie to the extreme were i would start to hurt people.


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