Wednesday 30 April 2008


the link above states a few reasons why people vandelise, i feel people vandeklise in oreder to show their emotions to the society. so why not do this on paper and show thier emotions this way? i think it is because they can not show society how they are feeling. like the link states that people that are bored vandelise.

i agree with that this is because mainly teenagers tyhat have nothing to do day in day out do end up vandelising. expecially if they are from bad social backgrounds thye tyend to be more into vandelising. i dont know call it labelling but thats how i feel about the subject.

Thursday 24 April 2008

being too religouse.

i felt a bit awkward at this lecture as i felt that thier was no need to start the lecturein such way as i felt that is was not respectful for other religions or even people that dont follow any religion at all. if the lecturer wanted to start with a prya he should went in a corner and he should of done what ever he wanted to do, but insteda of doing this or even asking for our oncent he just went ahead and done what he felt like doing.

some peopel thought that it was a nice way of stating the lecture but i just thought it was ridiculouse.

Thursday 17 April 2008


personally i thnk that drugs ar ereally bad, unacceptable and discusting. i totally hate people that get other people in taking drugs, i think i feel this because have in the past have had people in the past trying to influence me in taking drugs , thankfully i have always said no as i see documentries and news articals were people with drug habits have to go into prostitution, stealing, hurting other poel for drugs its discusting.

as a drugb user you will always be depoendent on the drug and itb will controll your life if you do not get your addiction undercontrol.

the link below provides some information on how drug users live thier lives after a they have startedto take drugs.

Sunday 13 April 2008

child abuse

i personally think child is unacceptable behaviour. i strongly feel that no child should have to go through any abuse what so ever, some say that the odd smak on the bottom is good for a child but i personnally think that even that is unacce[ptable. the NSPCC is one the few agancies that aim to stop child abuse, i feel that they are oding an excelent job. why should a child have to go thruogh abuse? just because they are smaller then us it does not mean that they are allowed to be abused.

i thnk that peole are attracted to child abuse as it is there awy of over powring a child and they think that they are big bad and tough. well i thnk they should gop and pick on their own size and see how they like it

Friday 11 April 2008

plastic surgery- fashion or fashion disaster

i have come across many programmes on the t.v about cosmetic plastic surgry goin wrong and read many stories in newspapers and magazines about the risks and disasters associated with plastic surgery, not to mention the money it involves. so why is it that so many people find this to be a good option even though they are risks such as numbness, seroma and necrosis. why not just be happy with the body your born with and leave it the way nature does

Thursday 10 April 2008


rape is a terible and horrible thing that somebody may have to go through. the link above suggests that rape is not about sex, they state that rape is about having power over somneone and being evil to them.

i personnally think that rape is about power but then i thnk it is sickn and twisted and rapist shpould (if they are men, which most of them are) should have theit thing chopped off. i know that sounds harsh and horrible but why should they be able to get it into thier sick brains that they can go around and have sex with people unwntingly.

Thursday 3 April 2008

body modification

my opnion on body modification is "OUCH!!!!!" why put your self through the unnecssary pain. i feel that people do this in order to put them selves through pain, i think its expensive and it looks discustiong. on the other hand the link below has views on why people have tatoos and body pirecings.

the link provides information that states that some people thnk that people who have body piecing or tatoos are frewaks or have mental health issues, but this is not the case as thet fel that it is thier way of expressing themselves to society.

i would never have a tatoo done as i am too scared of the pain, on the other hand i dont mind the odd peiecing meanig only in my ears.