Wednesday 13 February 2008

comment three masterbation

with regards to the above blog, i diagree with the person who posted this, as i felt that it was quite a good discussion throughout the lecture. yes i agree that some people do not like to talk about it as openly as they should, but why not? no ones telling them to admit if they masterbate or not.

itb was just a disscusion that i feel shgould be openly talked about as peole talk about sex openly, so why not masterbation. i personnaly feel that attraction to masterbattion is to provide for thier own sexual needs in thier own ways.

masterbation is not a really open disscussion as some peopel feel that it is a very private matter and do not want to speak about it as they may get teased about it. this is the main reason why i think that peole do not openly discuss masterbation.



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