Thursday 14 February 2008

comment four shoplifting

i agree with hannah in regards ton shoplifrting as i too feel that shoplifting is a very seriouse crime. i admit i have not as such shoplifted, however i have kniked the odd fiver from the house which i have felt very guilty about it afterwards.

also shoplifting things by accident i feel is alright as long as you return the goods afetr you have realised that you have taken them by mistake. on the other hand if you steal something willingly i think it is very seriouse and unacceptable behaviour. i thnk people become greedy and want things that theycan not have.

i think people are drawn to shoplifting because it allows them to have goods that they want also it is a quik way of making money, which peopele can never ave enough of. in some sence i think shoplifting becomes a habit as peole do it once or twice and then they continue to carry on with it until they get caught. even worse they may even conytinue after they have been caught.

howver this is my view and hannahs view on the subject, how do we know that some pepolpe do it due to circumstances they live.

link above provides information on shoplifting


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