Friday 15 February 2008


personnaly i dont drink therefore to judge other people on the way they drink. i think drinking is acceptable on the other hand exssesive drinking i feel is unacceptable.

i think what attracts people to drinking is that they see other people when they are drunk and feel that they are having a good time, ie on a night out people drink and have a laugh. however this sort of drinking may not cause to much harm and other poeople arounbd you aswell will learn to accept it.

some people mayb say that vdrinking helps them to relax or calm thier nerves and they feel that drinking helps them overcome thier problems. this iis when in thnk that these people need help. as i dont see any fun in making a show of yourself. i admit i haver tried drinking but it did not appeal to me firstly because of my religion and secondalyy i get drunk very easily and start to behave very stupidly.

i thnk peopole astrst drinhking again like smoking under peer pressure. here are links that provide some infromation on teenagers dreinlking.


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