Friday 15 February 2008


personnaly i dont drink therefore to judge other people on the way they drink. i think drinking is acceptable on the other hand exssesive drinking i feel is unacceptable.

i think what attracts people to drinking is that they see other people when they are drunk and feel that they are having a good time, ie on a night out people drink and have a laugh. however this sort of drinking may not cause to much harm and other poeople arounbd you aswell will learn to accept it.

some people mayb say that vdrinking helps them to relax or calm thier nerves and they feel that drinking helps them overcome thier problems. this iis when in thnk that these people need help. as i dont see any fun in making a show of yourself. i admit i haver tried drinking but it did not appeal to me firstly because of my religion and secondalyy i get drunk very easily and start to behave very stupidly.

i thnk peopole astrst drinhking again like smoking under peer pressure. here are links that provide some infromation on teenagers dreinlking.

Thursday 14 February 2008

comment four shoplifting

i agree with hannah in regards ton shoplifrting as i too feel that shoplifting is a very seriouse crime. i admit i have not as such shoplifted, however i have kniked the odd fiver from the house which i have felt very guilty about it afterwards.

also shoplifting things by accident i feel is alright as long as you return the goods afetr you have realised that you have taken them by mistake. on the other hand if you steal something willingly i think it is very seriouse and unacceptable behaviour. i thnk people become greedy and want things that theycan not have.

i think people are drawn to shoplifting because it allows them to have goods that they want also it is a quik way of making money, which peopele can never ave enough of. in some sence i think shoplifting becomes a habit as peole do it once or twice and then they continue to carry on with it until they get caught. even worse they may even conytinue after they have been caught.

howver this is my view and hannahs view on the subject, how do we know that some pepolpe do it due to circumstances they live.

link above provides information on shoplifting


as a smoker my self i thnk smoking is ok and sshould be acceptable in todays society. i thnk the smoking ban is ridiculouse and smokers should be free to smoke were they want. i understandthat it is not fair on non smokers to inhale smoke but like they do not want to inhale the smoke why is it that smokers have to suffer.

yes i understand that smoking has health risks, but if somebody wants to smoke why can not they be free to do so. i think what attracts people to smoking is to fit into society, i think this starts at school when teenagers are pushed into smoking due to peer presure. i thnk people mainly start smoknig in thier peers when thy are at schoold and contiue until it becomes an addiction. i personnaly satarted smoking due to curiosity and to see what it is like. i did not like it at first and yes i do admit i continued becuase i thought it looked cool.

the link below states some of the views on why students smoke.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

comment three masterbation

with regards to the above blog, i diagree with the person who posted this, as i felt that it was quite a good discussion throughout the lecture. yes i agree that some people do not like to talk about it as openly as they should, but why not? no ones telling them to admit if they masterbate or not.

itb was just a disscusion that i feel shgould be openly talked about as peole talk about sex openly, so why not masterbation. i personnaly feel that attraction to masterbattion is to provide for thier own sexual needs in thier own ways.

masterbation is not a really open disscussion as some peopel feel that it is a very private matter and do not want to speak about it as they may get teased about it. this is the main reason why i think that peole do not openly discuss masterbation.


Sunday 10 February 2008

comment five bullying

in regards to rachels blog of bullying i agree with her comment to sy that bulllying in terrible behaviour and no one should have to put up with it regardless of what they look like or how they seem to come across.

i think bullying takes place during school days, as children get into gruops and bully the person or people that do not seem to fit in. as Rachel mentioned in her blog people should not get bullied just becuase they wear glasses or they havent got the latest clothes or gadtes, they should be accepted in society no matter how they come across.

i thnk that peple who bully people are insecure and they form gruops in order for them to seem all "bad" and "tough". i feel that it is thier way of learning to cope with thier insecurities and that is why they feel good when the attention is not on them in a bad way.

i think peolpe who are being bullied should speak up and do something about it because i feel that they shpould not have to live with this behaviuor, but then again its ok for us to say that they should speak up when realkly thgey may be sacred and may not be able to speak up.

Saturday 9 February 2008

comeent two prostitution

in regards of the blog above, nisha mentioned a few issues regarding protitution. i agree with her when she mentioned that people should have more respect for themselves and not sell thier bodies in order to make money. it just a cheap way of making money and it is quite discusting.

on the other hand it is easy for us to make bad comments on protitution. but some get forced into it, ie some peopel (mainly women) have families to support such as single parents, they find protitution an easy way of making money to support thier families.

also you get some very young and naive girls that go into protitution, as younger girl;s ar eeasier to influence. pimps or people that want girls to go into prostiution usaully influenvce girls with drugs. they get onto drugs and because they need to feed gthier habit they tend to carry on prostituting because they have no othner way of getting money for thier habit. pimps also get girls onto drugs as then the girls will work for them and make money for them while the girls are depentend on the person who got thm into prostitution in the first place.

i dont think that people are actually drawn to prostiotion in any kind of way and i dont think that people do it because they feel good about it. i think people do it becase thay have to and have no choice.$366674.htm

the link above is a useful link to understand protitution better.


Thursday 7 February 2008

comment one infedility

in response of the blog above, i totally agree becky in some aspects as it depends on the person why they are cheating. maybe they are drawn to it due to the fact that they want exciment in thier lives because thery are simply bored with thier current realtionship or they may simply just fall in love and they do not have the courage to admit it to thier partners, expecially if thier partner thinks that thier relationship is the most perfect relationship in the world.

on the other hand i have also come across the website becky has mentioned in her blog, were you can name and shame your spouse if they have cheated on you. i think the person who envented the website should be given a gold medal. it is a very interesting way to name and shame your spouse as i feel that infidelity is totally BANG OUT OF ORDER.

maybe some people do have valid reasons to cheat as some people be in relationships thatthey are sacered to levae thier partners ie when they are physically violent towrads them. i used this as an example as i have past experienes of ffrends going through simliar issues with thier spouses that lead to infidenlity, therfore i can see why some people are drawn to infidelity howver my views on it does change i still think it is the most horriblist situation that someone could go through.